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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How to write a Stored procedure in SQL-SERVER

Stored Procedure:- Stored Procedure In Sql server can be defined as the set of logically group of sql statement which are grouped to perform a specific task. There are many benefits of using a stored procedure. The main benefit of using a stored procedure is that it increases the performance of the database.The other benefits of using the Stored Procedure is given below:

Benefits of using the Stored Procedure
  1. One of the main benefit of using the Stored procedure is that it reduces the amount of information sent to the database server. It can become more important benefit when the bandwidth of the network is less. Since if we send the sql query (statement)which is executing in a loop to the server through network and the network get disconnected then the execution of the sql statement don't returns the expected results, if the sql query is not used between Transaction statement and rollback statement is not used.
  2. Compilation step is required only once when the stored procedure is created. Then after it does not required recompilation before executing unless it is modified and re utilizes the same execution plan whereas the sql statements needs to be compiled every time whenever it is sent for execution even if we send the same sql statement every time.
  3. It helps in re usability of the sql code because it can be used by multiple users and by multiple client since we needs to just call the stored procedure instead of writing the same sql statement every time. It helps in reduces the development time.
  4. Stored procedure is helpful in enhancing the security since we can grant permission to the user for executing the Stored procedure instead of giving the permission on the tables used in the Stored procedure.
  5. Sometime it is useful to use the database for storing the business logic in the form of stored procedure since it make it secure and if any change is needed in the business logic then we may only need to make changes in the stored procedure and not in the files contained on the web server.
How to write a Stored Procedure in SQL Server

Suppose there is a table called tbl_Students whose structure is given below:

CREATE TABLE  tbl_Students

    [Studentid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [Firstname] [nvarchar](200) NOT  NULL,
    [Lastname] [nvarchar](200)  NULL,
    [Email] [nvarchar](100)  NULL
Suppose we insert the following data into the above table:
Insert into tbl_Students (Firstname, lastname, Email)
 Values('Vivek', 'Johari', '')

Insert into tbl_Students (Firstname, lastname, Email)
 Values('Pankaj', 'Kumar', '')

Insert into tbl_Students (Firstname, lastname, Email)
 Values('Amit', 'Singh', '')

Insert into tbl_Students (Firstname, lastname, Email)
 Values('Manish', 'Kumar', 'manish@abc.comm')

Insert into tbl_Students (Firstname, lastname, Email)D
 Values('Abhishek', 'Singh', '')

Friday, May 4, 2012

XAF : Change Listview Default GroupSummary

The following steps will used to change group summary for Listview:
  1. Open model designer by click on application file Model.xafml under YourProject.Web
  2. Change GroupSummary Property as shown below:

  3. GroupSummary Format Structure {1}:{2},{3}:{4}
    example : TotalPrivateCharge:Sum,TotalPrivateCharge:Sum={0:n2}
    1. Property Name
    2. Aggregation Function
    3. Property Name
    4. Aggregation String Format. [Sum={0:n2}]
      1. '0' means first argument which is TotalPrivateCharge
      2. 'n2' means the second argument which is aggregation function value.
    5. Result for this aggregation function is 'Sum=25.12'