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Monday, April 2, 2012

XAF : Replace Dropdown Listbox PropertyEditor With RadioGroup PropertyEditor

In order to change the default property editor from which is DropdownList control to RadioGroup control, first you should add the following file to your project folders [i.e. RadioGroupEnumPropertyEditor.vb]

   1:  Imports System
   2:  Imports System.Collections.Generic
   3:  Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Editors
   4:  Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
   5:  Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp.Utils
   6:  Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp
   7:  Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp.Model
   8:  Imports DevExpress.Web.ASPxEditors
  10:  Imports System.ComponentModel
  12:  Imports DevExpress.Xpo
  13:  Imports DevExpress.Data.Filtering
  15:  Imports DevExpress.Persistent.Base
  16:  Imports DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl
  17:  Imports DevExpress.Persistent.Validation
  19:  Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp.Editors
  21:  <PropertyEditor(GetType(RadioButton), "CustomComboEditor", False)> _
  22:  Public Class CheckboxEnumPropertyEditor
  23:      Inherits WebPropertyEditor
  25:      Private enumDescriptor As EnumDescriptor
  26:      Private controlsHash As New Dictionary(Of ASPxRadioButton, Object)()
  28:      Public Sub New(ByVal objectType As Type, ByVal info As IModelMemberViewItem)
  29:          MyBase.New(objectType, info)
  30:          Me.enumDescriptor = New EnumDescriptor(MemberInfo.MemberType)
  32:      End Sub
  34:      Protected Overrides Function CreateEditModeControlCore() As WebControl
  35:          Dim placeHolder As New Panel()
  36:          controlsHash.Clear()
  37:          For Each enumValue As Object In enumDescriptor.Values
  38:              Dim radioButton As New ASPxRadioButton()            
  39:              radioButton.ID = "radioButton_" + enumValue.ToString()
  40:              controlsHash.Add(radioButton, enumValue)
  41:              radioButton.Text = enumDescriptor.GetCaption(enumValue)
  42:              'radioButton.CheckedChanged += New EventHandler(radioButton_CheckedChanged)
  43:              AddHandler radioButton.CheckedChanged, AddressOf radioButton_CheckedChanged
  44:              radioButton.GroupName = PropertyName
  45:              placeHolder.Controls.Add(radioButton)
  47:          Next
  48:          Return placeHolder
  49:      End Function
  51:      Private Sub radioButton_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
  52:          EditValueChangedHandler(sender, e)
  53:      End Sub
  54:      Protected Overrides Function GetPropertyDisplayValue() As String
  55:          Return enumDescriptor.GetCaption(PropertyValue)
  56:      End Function
  57:      Protected Overrides Sub ReadEditModeValueCore()
  58:          Dim value As Object = PropertyValue
  59:          If value IsNot Nothing Then
  60:              For Each radioButton As ASPxRadioButton In Editor.Controls
  61:                  radioButton.Checked = value.Equals(controlsHash(radioButton))
  62:              Next
  63:          End If
  64:      End Sub
  66:      Protected Overrides Function GetControlValueCore() As Object
  67:          Dim result As Object = Nothing
  68:          For Each radioButton As ASPxRadioButton In Editor.Controls
  69:              If radioButton.Checked Then
  70:                  result = controlsHash(radioButton)
  71:                  Exit For
  72:              End If
  73:          Next
  74:          Return result
  75:      End Function
  76:      Public Overrides Sub BreakLinksToControl(ByVal unwireEventsOnly As Boolean)
  77:          If Editor IsNot Nothing Then
  78:              For Each radioButton As ASPxRadioButton In Editor.Controls
  79:                  '     radioButton.CheckedChanged -= New EventHandler(radioButton_CheckedChanged)
  80:                  AddHandler radioButton.CheckedChanged, AddressOf radioButton_CheckedChanged
  81:              Next
  82:              If Not unwireEventsOnly Then
  83:                  controlsHash.Clear()
  84:              End If
  85:          End If
  86:          MyBase.BreakLinksToControl(unwireEventsOnly)
  87:      End Sub
  88:      Public Shadows ReadOnly Property Editor() As Panel
  89:          Get
  90:              Return DirectCast(MyBase.Editor, Panel)
  91:          End Get
  92:      End Property
  93:  End Class

Second, you should change default property editor for target item by editing file Model.DesignedDiffs.xafml under project YourProjectName.Web, then you add the following XML tags to it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <Class Name="Q183035Sample.Module.SampleObject">
         <Member Name="RadioButtonEnumProperty" PropertyEditorType="Q183035Sample.Module.Web.RadioButtonEnumPropertyEditor" />

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