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Thursday, April 5, 2012

XAF : Override DetailedView Action

In order to override detailed view action such as SaveAndClose, you should do the following
  1. Add view controller to your project [i.e. DefaultDetailViewActions]
  2. make class (DefaultDetailViewActions) inherit from WebDetailViewController
  3. Override the function.[i.e. SaveAndClose].
The following example present an example for override SaveAndClose function:

   1:  Imports System
   2:  Imports System.ComponentModel
   3:  Imports System.Collections.Generic
   4:  Imports System.Diagnostics
   5:  Imports System.Text
   7:  Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp
   8:  Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions
   9:  Imports DevExpress.Persistent.Base
  11:  Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.SystemModule
  12:  Public Class DefaultDetailViewActions
  13:      Inherits WebDetailViewController
  15:      Public Sub New()
  16:          MyBase.New()
  18:          'This call is required by the Component Designer.
  19:          InitializeComponent()
  20:          RegisterActions(components)
  22:      End Sub
  24:      Protected Overrides Sub SaveAndClose(ByVal args As 
  25:          If args.CurrentObject.GetType.Name = "Calendar" Then
  26:              autoCalendarEntriesAddition(args)
  28:          End If
  29:          MyBase.SaveAndClose(args)
  30:      End Sub
  31:      Private Sub autoCalendarEntriesAddition(ByRef args As 
  32:          Dim f As Boolean = False
  33:          Dim currentCalendar As Calendar = CType(args.CurrentObject, Calendar)
  35:          If currentCalendar.CalendarEntries Is Nothing Then
  36:              f = True
  37:          Else
  38:              If currentCalendar.CalendarEntries.Count = 0 Then
  39:                  f = True
  40:              End If
  41:          End If
  43:          If f Then
  44:              Dim days As New List(Of WeekDay)
  45:              days.AddRange(New WeekDay() {WeekDay.Monday, 
                   WeekDay.Tuesday, WeekDay.Wednesday, WeekDay.Thursday, WeekDay.Friday,
                   WeekDay.Saturday, WeekDay.Sunday})
  46:              For Each dayobj As WeekDay In days
  47:                  Dim ce As CalendarEntry = ObjectSpace.CreateObject(Of CalendarEntry)()
  48:                  ce.Day = dayobj
  49:                  ce.StartWorkingHour = New TimeSpan(7, 30, 0)
  50:                  ce.EndWorkingHour = New TimeSpan(14, 45, 0)
  51:                  If dayobj = WeekDay.Saturday Or dayobj = WeekDay.Sunday Then
  52:                      ce.IsWeekEnd = True
  53:                  Else
  54:                      ce.IsWeekEnd = False
  55:                  End If
  56:                  ce.Save()
  57:                  currentCalendar.CalendarEntries.Add(ce)
  58:                  currentCalendar.Save()
  59:              Next
  60:          End If
  61:      End Sub
  62:      Protected Overrides Sub Save(ByVal args As 
  63:          If args.CurrentObject.GetType.Name = "Calendar" Then
  64:              autoCalendarEntriesAddition(args)
  66:          End If
  67:          MyBase.Save(args)
  68:      End Sub
  70:  End Class

Calendar Class:
   1:  Imports System
   2:  Imports System.ComponentModel
   4:  Imports DevExpress.Xpo
   5:  Imports DevExpress.Data.Filtering
   7:  Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp
   8:  Imports DevExpress.Persistent.Base
   9:  Imports DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl
  10:  Imports DevExpress.Persistent.Validation
  12:  <DefaultClassOptions()> _
  13:   Public Class Calendar
  14:      Inherits BaseObject
  15:      Private fCalendarName As String
  16:      Public Property CalendarName As String
  17:          Get
  18:              Return fCalendarName
  19:          End Get
  20:          Set(ByVal value As String)
  21:              SetPropertyValue("CalendarName", Me.fCalendarName, value)
  22:          End Set
  23:      End Property
  24:      <Association("Calendar-CalendarEntries", GetType(CalendarEntry))> _
  25:      Public ReadOnly Property CalendarEntries As XPCollection
  26:          Get
  27:              Return GetCollection("CalendarEntries")
  28:          End Get
  29:      End Property
  30:      Public Sub New(ByVal session As Session)
  31:          MyBase.New(session)
  32:      End Sub
  33:      Public Overrides Sub AfterConstruction()
  34:          MyBase.AfterConstruction()
  35:          ' Place here your initialization code.
  36:      End Sub
  38:      Public Sub addEntry(ByVal entry As CalendarEntry)
  39:          GetCollection("CalendarEntries").Add(entry)
  40:      End Sub
  41:  End Class

Calendar Entry Class:
   1:  Imports System
   2:  Imports System.ComponentModel
   4:  Imports DevExpress.Xpo
   5:  Imports DevExpress.Data.Filtering
   7:  Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp
   8:  Imports DevExpress.Persistent.Base
   9:  Imports DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl
  10:  Imports DevExpress.Persistent.Validation
  12:  <DefaultClassOptions()> _
  13:  Public Class CalendarEntry
  14:      Inherits BaseObject
  15:      Private fday As WeekDay
  16:      Private fisWeekEnd As Boolean
  17:      Private fStartWorkingHour As TimeSpan
  18:      Private fEndWorkingHour As TimeSpan
  19:      Private fCalendar As Calendar
  21:      <Association("Calendar-CalendarEntries", GetType(Calendar))> _
  22:      Public Property Calendar As Calendar
  23:          Get
  24:              Return fCalendar
  25:          End Get
  26:          Set(ByVal value As Calendar)
  27:              SetPropertyValue("Calendar", Me.fCalendar, value)
  28:          End Set
  29:      End Property
  31:      Public Property Day As WeekDay
  32:          Get
  33:              Return fday
  34:          End Get
  35:          Set(ByVal value As WeekDay)
  36:              SetPropertyValue("Day", Me.fday, value)
  37:          End Set
  38:      End Property
  40:      Public Property IsWeekEnd As Boolean
  41:          Get
  42:              Return fisWeekEnd
  43:          End Get
  44:          Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
  45:              SetPropertyValue("IsWeekEnd", Me.fisWeekEnd, value)
  46:          End Set
  47:      End Property
  49:      Public Property StartWorkingHour As TimeSpan
  50:          Get
  51:              Return fStartWorkingHour
  52:          End Get
  53:          Set(ByVal value As TimeSpan)
  54:              SetPropertyValue("StartWorkingHour", Me.fStartWorkingHour, value)
  55:          End Set
  56:      End Property
  58:      Public Property EndWorkingHour As TimeSpan
  59:          Get
  60:              Return fEndWorkingHour
  61:          End Get
  62:          Set(ByVal value As TimeSpan)
  63:              SetPropertyValue("EndWorkingHour", Me.fEndWorkingHour, value)
  64:          End Set
  65:      End Property
  66:      Public Sub New(ByVal session As Session)
  67:          MyBase.New(session)
  68:      End Sub
  69:      Public Overrides Sub AfterConstruction()
  70:          MyBase.AfterConstruction()
  71:          ' Place here your initialization code.
  72:      End Sub
  73:  End Class
  74:  Public Enum WeekDay
  75:      Monday
  76:      Tuesday
  77:      Wednesday
  78:      Thursday
  79:      Friday
  80:      Saturday
  81:      Sunday
  82:  End Enum

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