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Sunday, April 1, 2012

XAF : Implement One-to-One Relationships

Let's consider a simple example of a One-to-One relationship, when both classes that participate in the relationship have properties with a reference to the instance of their opposite class. It's necessary to write extra code within the property's setter method for each class that participates in the relationship to ensure the relationship's integrity, i.e. when a new object is assigned to a reference property, the reference to the previous object instance should be cleared and the assigned object should reference the current one.

This technique can be implemented as shown in the following code example.

   1:  ' Represents the Building class which refers to the building's owner. 
   2:  Public Class Building : Inherits XPObject
   3:      Dim _owner As Person = Nothing 
   4:      Public Property Owner() As Person
   5:          Get 
   6:              Return _owner
   7:          End Get 
   8:          Set(ByVal Value As Person)
   9:              If _owner Is Value Then 
  10:                  Return 
  11:              End If 
  13:              ' Store a reference to the former owner. 
  14:              Dim prevOwner As Person = _owner
  15:              _owner = Value
  17:              If IsLoading Then Return 
  19:              ' Remove an owner's reference to this building, if exists. 
  20:              If Not (prevOwner Is Nothing) AndAlso prevOwner.House Is Me Then 
  21:                  prevOwner.House = Nothing 
  22:              End If 
  24:              ' Specify that the building is a new owner's house. 
  25:              If Not (_owner Is Nothing) Then 
  26:                  _owner.House = Me 
  27:              End If 
  29:              OnChanged("Owner")
  31:          End Set 
  32:      End Property 
  33:  End Class 
  35:  ' Represents the Person class which refers to the person's house. 
  36:  Public Class Person : Inherits XPObject
  37:      Dim _house As Building = Nothing 
  38:      Public Property House() As Building
  39:          Get 
  40:              Return _house
  41:          End Get 
  42:          Set(ByVal Value As Building)
  43:              If _house Is Value Then 
  44:                  Return 
  45:              End If 
  47:             ' Store a reference to the person's former house. 
  48:              Dim prevHouse As Building = _house
  49:              _house = Value
  51:              If IsLoading Then Return 
  53:              ' Remove a reference to the house's owner, if the person is its owner. 
  54:              If Not (prevHouse Is Nothing) AndAlso prevHouse.Owner Is Me Then 
  55:                  prevHouse.Owner = Nothing 
  56:              End If 
  58:              ' Specify the person as a new owner of the house. 
  59:              If Not (_house Is Nothing) Then 
  60:                  _house.Owner = Me 
  61:              End If 
  63:              OnChanged("House")
  64:          End Set 
  65:      End Property 
  66:  End Class 

[eXpressApp Framework]

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